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Don’t feel bad that you don’t breast feed your child .

Recently over Facebook you make have seen many pictures of women breast feeding their children with an overlay image of a tree. Symbolising the connection between mother and baby through breastfeeding .The roots of the trees being symbolic of the breast milk ducts  . To raise awareness  of breast feeding is fab but as a mom who doesn’t  breast feed it’s making me slightly annoyed .

We made the decision to bottle feed Ava as it was the best thing for myself and Ava . I didn’t want to breastfeed . I didn’t want to make myself do it just because some people think I should. I myself was bottle fed and I have grown up absolutely fine . I wasn’t a poorly child and I had an awesome attachment with my mom and still do now.

Bottle feeding moms face discrimination too as well , well I have anyway . Some women who breast feed are blinkered to the alternatives . They look down on you as if you’re doing  your child an injustice.

I just want to make it clear that I know not everyone has this opinion and it happens both ways . So please don’t suggest that I’m anti breastfeeding  and don’t like women who breast feed .As that is a load of rubbish I have friends who breast feed. Sorry as I was saying ..

I’m neither pro bottle or pro breast feeding  I think that all women should do what’s best for them and respect others decisions.Being a parent is hard enough without being judged ;


  • Rose

    It doesn’t annoy me. I couldn’t breastfeed and I bottled fed both babies, if a mum or dad whip out a bottle who really cares a baby is being fed some are not so lucky to have this opportunity to have a choice to fed their babies . I think as long as a child is bonding with the mum or dad either way is great.

    • admin

      Yes that’s it ! For some women bottle feeding is their only option doesn’t mean they are doing a bad thing . Their little one is getting fed .

  • Abi - Something About Baby

    As a breastfeeding mum, I agree with your comments. Fed is best, and there is no “better” way to feed your child. However, some people are getting quite offended by these photos and there is no reason to. Why shouldn’t breastfeeding be celebrated? Why shouldn’t bottle feeding be celebrated? Your photo is lovely, but you shouldn’t feel annoyed at the breastfeeding photos. It isn’t something that is done to shame bottle feeding mums, just another way to celebrate an act of parenting. I really hope that in the future breastfeeding and bottle feeding can be discussed as two perfectly normal options, without having to have a debate all the time!

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