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Today she turns two where has the time gone !

I cannot believe it but today Ava will turn 2 . How did that happen ? I’m sure she was only a baby yesterday. It really is crazy how quick it goes. I’m not sure I’m ready for her to grow up just yet .

Turning two

I want to hold her close and not let her go . I know she’s not going anywhere as she is only two but it really gets me thinking about the future . Like what school she will be going to and what clubs she might want to join.

It really makes me sad that my little girl is not so little anymore . You know what I couldn’t have asked for a better daughter . Yes she isn’t an angel and she can strop really well . But I wouldn’t change her for the world . She makes me laugh everyday with her crazy little ways. When I say she makes me laugh . A lot of the time I’m so close to weeing myself ! ( this may also be because of having two children I have very little Control over my bladder !) .

Today she turns two

I love to just sit there and watch her play. She is such an independent Annie she will sit and entertain herself for hours .She will even brush he teeth and wash her hands every morning without me having to help her. But as much as she likes to do things for herself she still loves to have a snuggle and I hope that continues. I want her to always give me a snuggle even when she is a teenager and it embarrasses the hell out of her.

Going from being one to being two she has changed so much . She is now a very confident little walker even though she has got issues with her feet. She doesn’t let it stop her . If I’m honest though she doesn’t walk anywhere , she is that kid who runs around like a crazy child 24/7. If she’s not running she is dancing. Especially if Ed Sheeran is on she will strut some right moves !

She is a pretty good talker also . No is her favourite word but when she wants to she has got a lot of other words she knows. She can sing along to a lot of nursery rhymes. She even does all the actions along to wind the bobbin. Anyone who knows Ava will know this is her much loved song and has been probably for the last 12 months.

A post shared by Jessica Harvey (@beautiesandthebibs) on She such a little performer , she loves to be Center of attention. Even if she doesn’t know the people she will still perform . Showing them all the things she knows and giving a cheeky smile. There is a woman in our local Morrison’s who refers to her as the happy child as every time we go in Ava likes to wave at her and say hiya.You know what she has made the best big sister ever ! Alby only has to make a sound and she is at his side. He is the first person she wants to see in the morning and the last person she wants to kiss goodnight to of an evening.

A post shared by Jessica Harvey (@beautiesandthebibs) on I sose what I’m trying to say with this post is that I’m so proud of the little girl she has become . She is confident, cheeky , clever and a joy to have (most of the time ) . Let’s see what the future bring . Happy birthday my beautiful little girl !

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