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The Wonder Weeks : A stress-Free guide to your Baby’s development: review and Giveaway

Knowing what’s wrong with you child and is there a reason for it can be hard . Is it developmental or is it just them ? That’s where the Wonder Weeks book comes it . It’s a book that’s full of information on stages of a child’s holistic development.

The Wonder Weeks

This book gives parents the piece of mind that’s what their child is doing is actually ‘normal’ . I don’t know about you but I find comfort in the fact that I’m not the only parent on the edge because their child is going through a faze. Especially with sleep . Being sleep deprived is something you cannot practise for before coming a parent.

I found comfort recently after reading this book that Alby was in fact in a leap . Which was the reason to why he wasn’t sleeping . Just like the book said he would soon be out of it and he was . It was just nice to know there was light at the end of the tunnel . That this wasn’t going to be how it was forever.

You may have heard this title before but as an app not a book . That’s where I first heard about it. But you know what I love having it in a book version. I’m a lover of actually having a book and not having everything electronic. There just something special about holding and reading from a book isn’t there ?

When reading through the book I found the first tip in the book to be a very good one . It says before your baby goes through a development leap read what the leap entails. This way you know what to expect , you understand what they will be going through . Then you can make a plan of action to make the next leap as easy as possible and guide them through it.

The Wonder Weeks

This book is full of information about child development and also covers postpartum anxiety. Which I think is so important to cover. Reading this section gave me a sense of comfort . It gives you strategies to help with anxiety’s and also explains what to do if it all gets too much.

The wonder weeks book covers the first 20 months of a child’s life . Which consists on 10 leaps . The book is set out in sections for each leap and contains all the information you will need to know about this leap.

If you want to know more about the Wonder Weeks book be sure to head over to their website

Want to understand your child’s development then you need this book . For your chance to win a copy please enter the giveaway below. I have 5 copies to giveaway to 5 lucky winners . Make sure to enter below to be in with the chance of winning a copy of the Wonder Weeks book.

The Wonder Weeks book
The Wonder Weeks book shows you that the hard stages that your baby is going through are normal . It reassures you that all will be okay . That it will pass and their is light at the end of the tunnel. #parenting #development #babydevelopment #WonderWeeks #bookreview #parentinghelp


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