Our morning routine and how we get out the house on time
I hate being late ! I get all stressed and nervous I just hate it. Anyone that has kids will know they do their best to make sure your late. Ava’s favourite thing to do at the moment is tell me once we get in the car that she needs a wee. She does this as she knows I dont have the potty in the car anymore. So it means I have to get her out the car and go back in the house so she can go for a wee. She will then talk to me about anything and everything whilst she’s having a wee just to prolong getting back in the car.
Even thought Ava tries her best I am very rarely late. This is because I’m organised I get things ready so I dont have to worry about them in the morning. Leaving me less stressed and my morning just runs so much smoother. Here are some things I do to make my morning routine easier.
5 things I orgnise the night before to keep me on time
Nursery bags – I made a point of buying the children bags that they only use for nursery. The reason behind this is because I hardly need to change what’s in their bags. I have a set of hat, gloves and scarf in their bags for the winter months and Sun hat and Sun cream for the warmer months. These items never leave their bags so I know they will be there. The only thing I need to check on a night is that they have spare clothes in them. Just incase Ava has an accident or Alby gets covered in food which he does on most nursery days.
I also make sure to put their nursery coats inside their bags so I dont forget them. It also means I have less to carry out the house in the mornings.
Make up the lunches- I only have to make lunch for myself. So it’s not a horrible Job to do I keep my lunch pretty simple. Most weeks I have a bagel with cream cheese, crisps , a snack bar and a piece of fruit. It’s easy and simple to put together and takes me all of 5 minutes.
Get our clothes ready for the next day– My kids like to have a lie in on the days that I need to get up out the house early. So the night before I get their outfits ready for them. I also do my own so in the morning I’m not wasting time looking though mine and the kids wardrobes wondering what I should wear.
Get shoes ready– Shoes have a tendency of walking themselves off in our house. So I have recently stated to get all the shoes ready in the kitchen the night before. So I dont have to go round the house looking for them. You wouldn’t actually believe how much time this has actually saved me each morning. Their shoes are there ready for them to put on after breakfast and then out the door we go.
Prep Breakfast- Now my kids aren’t the biggest breakfast eaters they much prefer a light snack then something more substantial at 10.00 ish. So getting breakfast ready for them isnt that hard. Alby generally has a brioche and Ava normally has some cereal without the milk. So I get these ready for them so that when they come downstairs in the morning it’s ready for them. I also get their cups out ready so in the morning I can just pop some water in them quick and easy.
Making sure I do all the things above and also giving myself enough time in the morning to do it means I’m very rarely late. As im organised Ava can have her last minute wee moment and im not panicking too much about being late. Preparation is defiantly key when it comes to having kids.