Why It’s Worth Spending Money on High End Trainers look
Sometimes, when it comes to fashion, or even to basic essentials, we have to decide when it is a good idea to spend more on higher end branded products versus when it is better to just buy the cheaper options. For clothing, one area where it can be well worth going for the luxury items you really like rather than simple, basic cheaper products, is with trainers. Here are some of the reasons why we think it is a good idea to check out the latest ranges from major designer brands. You’ll Wear Your Trainers a Lot! One of the main reasons why it can be worth splashing out for…
At what age should children have a mobile phone?
This is a collaborative post The world is a different place than what it was when I was younger. To have a mobile phone meant that your parents had a good amount of money. They didn’t have colour screens to start with and once your credit was gone that was it. Nowadays it seems like children are having phone younger and younger not just any phone but the latest models. I see children I would guess at saying 14 years of age that have a better phones than me. They are glued to their phones whilst out at family meals and only put it down to eat. Which I personally…
Boosting Your Self-Confidence (the Easy Way)
Boosting your self confidence doesn’t have to be hard just making a few small changes can make such a difference. Start by looking after yourself !
4 best online survey sites to earn money
This is a Collaborative post Wouldn’t it be easier on our wallets to just take a couple of online surveys and earn some extra cash on the side? Of course, it would. Not only is it a pretty simple gig to approach, but it’s also quite fun. Let’s dispel the rumors about online surveys being a scam by saying they’re not. However, that also depends on which paid online survey sites you’re visiting. With this in mind, you’ll have access to the most legal way to earn some extra dough with relatively less effort. To ensure that you’re not being taken for a ride, we’ve prepared a list of some…
Is it me or is Christmas getting all a bit much ? It’s become a lot of stress
This is a collaborative post The crazy time of the year that is Christmas is just around the corner. Which is really starting to scare me as I’m not ready for it to come at all. Alby turns one at the start of December and I haven’t even started to buy for that. The thing with Christmas is that every year it get more and more stressful. Especially when you have children. Ava’s changed her mind about ten times with what colour bike she wants from Santa. She best settle on purple as that’s what she’s getting. The thing is I do actually like Christmas just as I have gotten…
Removing tricky stains with Ace
Since both my kids have started nursery I feel like I’m ;
5 easy ways to save money on your next family holiday
This is a collaborative post We are yet to go on a family holiday. Were wanting to wait a little bit longer before we attempt to take two small children out of the country. From what friends say to me it’s so worth all the stress but boy is it stressful. Another reason we haven’t taken the kids yet is because of Finances. For the last few years I have either been pregnant or were under taking big changes at home. This years big change is that were moving house so there is no summer holiday for us this year sadly. If all goes to plan though I want to…
Leesa mattress unboxing and review
Since becoming a parent I have learnt that sleep is so important. If I don’t get a good night’s sleep I really find the next day a struggle. The amount of sleep I now have is less than ever before. Ava generally sleeps through the night and Alby wakes about once. Which yes I know is really good but where as my days used to start at say 9 they now start at 6. I used to not be able to function with less than 8 hours solid sleep. Now if I get 8 hours solid sleep I feel like a new woman ready to take on the world. To…
Our top 5 things to watch on telly in June 2018
*This is a collaborative post* Anyone who knows me well will tell you that I am a complete telly addict. I love to watch telly and although I have two kids I do watch a lot of non child related programs. The people over at Panasonic have asked me to share with you my top 5 things to watch on telly in June. Now it was very hard to cut it down to 5 so I have tried to give a range of programmes. So that hopefully there is something for everyone. My top 5 things to watch on telly in June Love island Love it or hate it love…
Top Tips for Keeping Your Baby Warm In A Cold House
*This is a Sponsored post* Summer in the UK is unpredictable, especially when it comes to the temperature, so make sure your baby sleeps safely no matter what the weather. Is your baby too hot? Too cold? How can you ever be 100% sure? There’s a fine line between keeping your newborn nice and cosy and putting them in danger from overheating. It can feel like you’re forever worrying and second-guessing yourself. Firstly, it’s important to remember that babies feel the cold differently to us adults. A baby’s body surface is about three times greater than ours, which means they lose heat quickly. What’s more, newborn’s can’t regulate their body…
3 Surprising Facts You Might Discover When You Visit Jakarta
*This is a collaborative post* If you are thinking of a holiday this year or next, and you want to go somewhere a little different.The Indonesian city of Jakarta is a great place to look. This is not yet a huge tourist trap, so you don’t have to worry about high prices and overly busy waiting times. Yet there is so much cultural and historical splendour there .That you would be forgiven for never wanting to leave. As we will see, there are a number of surprises which lay in wait for anyone consider visiting this Indonesian capital.So it might be a great place to consider for your next trip.No…
Could Sharing a Garden Work for You
*This is a collaborative post* Not every property is gifted a patch of land. Thus learning to share a garden is something many more of us are learning to do. But at one time, the communal garden was untouched and rarely used. There is now a movement to make more of these green, open spaces but is harmonious sharing of a garden really possible? Sharing, the art and skill of not being super possessive over something, is something we are taught, as children, that is important. From sharing the glitter and colouring pens and primary school to rubbing along nicely in communal areas. We are also taught that there…
Moving day the things I will need to consider
Our house is on the market and I’m hoping one day soon it will sell and we can get a new house. I’m not longing for a new house where I can do things to it. I am so bored with our house now that I’m starting to fall out of love with it a little bit. I’m stuck in that place where there is no point doing anything major to it as hopefully we wont benefit from it. I’m so bored with what we have I need a change a fresh lick of paint. So instead of dwelling on how much I want a new house I thought it…
New Parent? 5 Money Management Tips to Help with Your New Arrival
This is a collaborative post If you and your other half have recently become first-time parents, then the chances are that one of your biggest concerns will be around how you’re going to manage money. One study conducted by Visa found that around 21% of new parents say that cash is their biggest worry – which means that you’re not alone if you’ve been stressing over your bank account. The good news is that dealing with money after you’ve had a new baby doesn’t have to be a nightmare. Planning and approaching money management with the right frame of mind can ensure that you make the decisions that set you…
Unexpected expenses and ways to deal with them
This is a collaborative post You may keep a close look on your expenses. Have savings in different places but sometimes those unexpected expenses come along and you just don’t have the money to cover them. It may be a expenses that your overdraft may not be able to cover. You may then have to turn to a short-term loan lender like Cash lady. I always find that these unexpected expenses always come all at once. Here are some of the unexpected expenses I have myself faced and other that I know. Car break downs When Ava was born I wasn’t able to drive due to having a caesarean. When…
Bedroom inspiration for both girls and boys
This is a collaborative post One day soon I’m hoping our house will sell and we will get a new house . The thought of moving does stress me out . The last time we moved we were able to move all of our bits in our cars. Well that’s not going to happen this time . It’s going to take a lot more than two cars ! The one thing I am looking forward to doing it decorating. So whilst we’re still in our house I though it would be beneficial to make a plan of what I would like to do to some of the rooms when we…
Fun Family Scooter Activities to Try
This is a collaborative post Looking for something fun and healthy to do with the little ones? Scooters are fantastic fun and a great way to get some fresh air and exercise. What’s more, there are many brilliant ways to enjoy scooter which means that you and the kids will never get bored of them. It is important to note that although good fun,a scooter can also be dangerous and it is vital that you and the kids take care whilst riding them. Additionally, you should only purchase scooters of the highest quality and invest in all the appropriate safety gear. You can also find scooters that are suitable for…
Modern Day Proposal Trends
This is a collaborative post There are few moments as significant in your life than a proposal. This is the ultimate romantic moment and something that the two of you will never forget. In today’s day and age, we are seeing all kinds of unique, interesting and memorable proposal trends currently taking place. The more traditional method of getting down on one knee in a special place is still a popular choice.There are also many other interesting ways to propose! Engagement Day One interesting trend is being called Engagement Day and certainly is a special way of proposing. Instead of surprising their partner by getting down on one knee.Engagement Day…
Making the Living Area a Space for the Whole Family
This is a collaborative post The living room is, perhaps, the most important room in the family home. This is because it is somewhere that you will spend quality time together and create many happy memories whether it is watching TV, playing a board game or simply enjoying each other’s company. When designing this room, it is far too easy to forget about the kids and instead focus on decorating it to your own personal taste. This is their space as well, so it is important to make this a room that the whole family can enjoy. Here are a few different ways that you can do this. Toy Boxes/Baskets…
Top 5 things we want from a new house
This is a collaborative post Just before Christmas we put our house on the market . The house were in now is our first home . We have had two dogs , two children and got engaged all in this house . As our family is growing the house is getting a little tight for space. So a new house is a must . Space is getting a little tight and if you have kids. You will know how much stuff they have . I told myself I wouldn’t look at new houses until we had an offer on ours . But I just cannot help myself ! There are…