lockdown house projects- Transforming our garden
This is a collaborative post
It seems a lot of people have been doing little projects on their house during lockdown . It’s the perfect time if you can get your hands on the bits you need to do those jobs you have been putting off for such a long time.
As we have only been in our house for a year now there are a number of jobs that we have wanted to do but have never had the time to do . Now we have all the time to do them and no excuses.
Our very first job was organise and sort the garage . Since we moved in it’s been a place we have just dumped things we don’t want to look at . We brought some shelving off amazon put it up and just dumped things on them .
So we had a huge sort out , organised the shelves so we knew where things were when we wanted them . One shelf I love personally is the kids crafts shelf . I can now see all the bits they have and can grab it straight away . I have found since doing this they have done so much more craft as it’s not a pain to get to it . Plus they can easily see the different things that we have.

Our second big job is the garden. We love our garden and we are so grateful to have a garden especially with being in lockdown. The one thing we have both been talking about for since we moved in was turning the patio area into a more social area. With comfy seating, lights for when it gets darker and maybe even a BBQ area.
So last week we made a start on this area. It’s been hard work physically. The Slabs had been secured into place with concrete and a lot of hardcore and big bits of rubble. Thankfully we have been able to hide a lot of what we dug out behind our Garden shed. So the children aren’t able to get to it. Hopefully when things start to open up we will be able to get rid of it. For now though it will just have to stay behind the shed.
We are now at the point where we have dug it all out and made sure the area is ready to put the timber around the outside. We have been lucky to be able to make an order through Wickes and have been able to pick it up. So we have everything we need to do the next part and hopefully that will be done on the weekend when Jordan isn’t at work.
I am so looking forward to using this space with our family once it is safe to do so.
We also need to go back over the downstairs toilet walls. Which is annoying as it wasn’t painted that long ago, but the children seem to have a bath when they wash their hands. Water and soap all over the place which has caused some of the paint on the wall to flake off . There also there are some water marks. So hopefully this will be our next job to be done once the garden is done.

Things we want to do when it’s safe to do so.
Before lockdown we looked at getting some carpet in the front room. Which we thought would be an easy job but it looks like it’s going to be more work than we thought. So we have been looking into different options like Solid wood flooring. As the flooring we have down at the moment is a little worn in places. We think maybe just changing it to some other wooden flooring would make the place look fresher. It may also be easier than having carpet but were not sure so that’s something we want to look into for sure.
One major project we have left to do is Alby’s bedroom. Which we need to be able to get a carpenter in to help us. Which we had originally got booked in but I’m not sure when this will happen now. What we are wanting to do is build a wardrobe on top of the stair box in his room. Leaving more space in his room. Then eventually get him a single bed in there. This will have to wait until he stops falling out his bed. He just moves around so much in his sleep. I’m not sure if this will stop as he gets older. Or if he will just learn that his single bed may be higher.
Have you undertaken any lockdown house projects ? If so I would love to see what you have been up to.