
The road can be a dangerous place

This is a collaborative post with chill insurance. They are Irelands leading brokers , they compare leading insurers for car insurance.

Being a parent you are always faced with new worries. From day-to-day things like are they eating /drinking enough . To trying to save money on house bills or finding the .

We are in the process of looking for a new house . Other than finding the perfect school for our daughter to go to . The other thing I want to find is a house where my daughter can play out the front when she is older .


This is something I used to do growing up and my parents had not worries about it really . Now  playing out the front just doesn’t seem as safe . Especially with how some people drive around . The speeds people think it’s ok to drive around a residential is crazy.

I remember whilst growing up my mom and dad teaching me the rules of the roads . To look left ,right then left again before crossing . I vividly remember watching that video with the hedgehogs crossing the road !


Also always use a crossing to cross the road as it is safest . This one in particular I think many children don’t seem to do nowadays . I have been driving down the road many a times and had older children just cross the road in front of my car and not at a crossing . Or they ride their bikes along the main road and don’t stick to the side of the road.

As much as we teach our children all the safety rules about the road . Motorists need to remember them as well. Roads can be such a dangerous place . Some people really need to re read their Highway Code.

I do hope that when Ava grows up she will know her road safety and be able to cross roads safely and watch out for cards on the roads. Bring back the hedgehog videos I say !


dangerous drives infographic

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