• teething baby is not fun
    Blog entry

    Not just one but four new teeth 

    It’s been a long week in our house . Ava hasn’t been well so this has made her ultra clingy and moaning a lot . I thought it could be her teeth but wasn’t sure. To start with I really wasn’t sure what was wrong with her . We went to a party at a play barn a week ago . Now usually Ava loves going to he play barn . Especially seeing all the children , she just loves to be around other kids . When we got there she seemed fine had slept quite a lot during the day but thought nothing much of it . So I put…

  • Reviews

    Funky Giraffe bibs review and giveaway 

    For us a bib is a big part of Ava’s outfit we cannot go anywhere without a bib unless we want soggy clothes .It can sometimes take me just as long to pick what bib Ava is going to wear as what outfit she is wearing . When Funky Giffafe asked if I would like to review their bibs I jumped at the chance . I was also lucky to be able to pick what bibs I wanted for Ava from the Funky giraffe website This was not an easy decision as all the bibs on the website are beautiful with lots of different designs and colours to chose from .…

  • Reviews

    Boobie Beads stopping children chomping on jewellery that may harm them

    Ava is always putting her fingers in her mouth and if I have a necklace on then she will suck and chomp on that too. This is always a worry of mine as she may cut herself on my jewellery and if I’m honest who really knows what germs may be on your own jewellery.So when I was sent a Boobie beads teething necklace to review I was so happy. We have brought Ava many teething items over the past few weeks and she hasn’t been interested in them at all. So I really didn’t know how she would take to the necklace. As soon as I put it on…

  • Blog entry

    Teething problems !! – possible solutions

    We have been thinking this week that maybe Ava is teething. As we have had horrible nappies, she is chomping on everything and nice rosy cheeks.A lot of people keep telling me she is too young to be teething. As she is only 11 weeks old .( bet they don’t know some children can be born with teeth !! Ouch ! ) So I thought I would look into different ways to help sooth her gums if she starts to be in pain with them ( No harm in being prepared! ). When looking on the internet I came across some strange and odd ways. To help sooth their gums,…