Transiting to part time work after maternity leave.
In the last couple of weeks I have returned to work part time . This is a completely new world to me . Since I was 16 I have worked around 30 hours a week so going part time is really odd. I love my job I’m really lucky to have such an understanding boss that has made my transition back to work so much easier . I’m just finding part time work really hard . I’m not a person that’s able to switch off . I am ;
Is it ever ok to leave your child in the car ?
When you’re not a parent you take so many things for granted . It not that your selfish it just because you don’t realise that they can become more complicated once you have had children. This can be day-to-day things like going to the toilet by yourself to being able to leave the house at the drop of a hat . Recently I have come across another thing I took completely for granted and it has seriously made me think about how I should respond to it . I have now been a mommy for 9 months and I have come across the situation of is it ok to leave your…