• Reviews

    NCC home learning – Fiction/ creative writing competition

    Since I have started blogging I have written in a way that I have never written before. I was so used to Formal writing. This was a format I felt comfortable with . As I had written like this for years both at university and at work. Making the transition to creative writing at times can be hard. English has never been my strong point so thinking of words to make my writing sound more interesting can sometime be difficult . I do like to think over the months I have become better at this and it has become more natural to me. NCC home learning have put together a competition where…

  • Reviews

    Home learning courses : what do Employers think ? 

    This is a collaborative post with NCC home learning . They are a company who produce home learning courses to enable you to develop your skills all from the comfort of your own home.  Working in a nursery I understand the importance of staff development. This is something that the company I work for try really hard with . They have taken many different routes when it comes to staff training and development . Realising everyone has such a busy home life as well as a work life can make it hard to fit in staff training. This is where home learning courses come into play . They enable you…