Nutribuddy 14 day weight loss kit my first impressions
Since having Ava I have lost a lot of weight ,but I am still unhappy with my weight and I am wanting to shift this last bit of jelly belly ready for the summer .( not that I will be walking around in a crop top !). So when Nutribuddy offered me the opportunity to try their 14 day weight loss kit I was excited to see if it would work. Before starting the product I did search the Internet reading others experiences with the product and they were all amazing reports with great results. When taking all my products out of the box the first thing I noticed was…
#stiritslim Forza review
For most people they start their day with a nice hot drink . Well the people over at Forza have recognised this and have made a meal replacement that can be made hot !!. If you need your coffee boost to start your morning off then this product is for you . Who knew that you could have a latte and potentialy loose weight . Can you believe that each drink is only 204 calories. After trying the shake it slim products and seeing the weight loss I had I couldn’t weight to try the stir it slim , the stir it slim range comes in latte, Carmel latte and…