Pushchair pressure !
Each parent has their own budget on what they can afford when it comes to pushchairs , it may be a brand new all singing all dancing or maybe a hand me down one that does what it needs to do . What ever pushchair you choose to buy you should make sure it works for both you and your little one . Don’t be pressured by others and influence what you go for stay within your budget !.
Today me and my mom took Ava shopping and the amount of people that take a good long look at her pushchair is crazy . I even heard one mom say
I’m so glad we didn’t get that one, look how awful it looks !
Thankfully I really don’t care what others think I love my pushchair and what I like will be differnt from others .
I have spoken to some people that have said they have changed their thoughts on what they wanted due to others thoughts and opinions.Buying a pushchair to many parents is like buying a new car certain brands are more appealing and are deamed to be better than others.
As long as your child fits safely and is happy in it what is the problem !.
So to all them people that had a good stare and maybe a bitch about my pushchair today I’m glad that we were a topic for your conversation but I really don’t care what you think
One Comment
Hannah Spannah
How bloody rude! I chose to read this post because I liked the colour of the pushchair on the picture! Mine was a second hand icandy and I loved it but wish I’d got the stokke one that has the baby up high as I’m tall and I know that one cause mixed feelings. Haters gonna hate!