When’s the right time to have a baby
When’s the right time to have a baby ? . Do you need to be married , have your own home or even be in a relationship.
I used to have this plan that I was going to finish university make sure my career was where I wanted it to be . Then we would try for a baby . Have It all planned and organised .
Well in actual fact it didn’t really work out like this . After being in our first home for just over a year I fell pregnant, it wasn’t planned but no way do I think of it as a mistake . If anything it has been the best thing to happen to me . Maybe if I did plan I wouldn’t of planned for her to be due around Christmas .
It really is true life is like waiting for a bus , your waiting around for ages and no buses come . Then all of a sudden three turn up at once . In short space of couple of time . We very sadly lost our puppy milo , got a new puppy Kya and then got pregnant!.
Some people think that we shouldn’t of kept the dog once I found out I was pregnant . It’s not the right time to have a new born and a puppy. But when is the right time .
We didn’t and still don’t now have a huge amount of savings . I have known people to say they want to have saved so much money befor they have a baby . Yes the extra money would be nice but isn’t essential . As long as you can afford to clothe and feed you little one . It doesn’t matter if the clothes are from primark or are designer.
Personally I don’t even think you need to be with a partner . There are so many strong parents doing it by themselves now . Sometimes it maybe better then if the parents where together ! If it was an unhealthy relationship.
If your allways waiting for the right time it will never come . You will always come up with an excuse . I say let life run its course and just go with it .
did you plan your pregnancy ? Do you think there is a right time to have a baby ?

I completely agree with you, it will never be the ‘right’ time if you keep putting conditions on it. Even if you do manage to get the coveted ‘right’ time, baby will soon turn everything upside down, they’re such little pickles! #weekendblogshare x
The first was planned but our second sneaked up on us. I don’t think you can plan for all life’s eventualities and we are both very lucky to be able to have our babies. #weekendblogshare
Gosh yes so lucky !! X
Hannah Spannah
I agree that there is never a right time. I was happy to have a baby before marriage however my ex husband wanted us to be married, so we got married, planned and had our baby and then he left and I’m doing it on my own! So even if you do plan it, it doesn’t all work out like that! Thanks for joining the #weekendblogshare. Please do reread the rules and link to your homepage next time, not an individual blog post. Thanks
Sorry Hannah I realised once I had done it was in the midst of chasing Ava around the house