AD childcare.co.uk for finding childcare,jobs in childcare and for promoting your childcare setting
AD: I have been asked to honestly share with you all what I think about the childcare.co.uk website. All words are my opinion.
If you have Read my blog for a while now you will know that I work in the childcare sector. After having Ava I really had to think long and hard about whether she was going to come to work with me at the nursery I worked at. I didn’t know what to do at first .I didn’t know if her being at the same nursery was going to be beneficial or whether it was going to be detrimental to her. As she wasn’t going to have time away from me and would always see me during the day.

When looking for nurseries I started by looking at the childcare.co.uk website .I find this a really useful website for looking at nurseries in my local area. It’s so easy to use you just put your area in the search box and see what nurseries come up in my local area .I can see all different things about the nurseries from opening times, the fees they charge, staff qualifications, and if they actually have any availability.
Before searching it’s a really good idea to make yourself a profile. All you need to do is pop in a few details about yourself and sign up using an email. The reason for needing a profile on the childcare.co.uk website .Is so when you have found the nursery you like you can message them using the safe and secure messaging service. This means you don’t have to go searching around for different email addresses you can do it all in one place and then you can get responses in the same place. Which makes it so much easier.
For me as a parent I really like the fact that other parents can leave reviews on the nursery . So when you’re searching through you can see what the parents think about that setting. Like with anything reviews are really important when it comes to childcare recommendations.What other parents think about a nursery can be really influential . So if you have a nursery profile that has loads of positive reviews you are more likely to want to go and visit that one.
It’s so easy to do a search . You can specify what it is your looking for . The location and the radius from that location your wanting. If your wanting something really specific then you can go into their advanced settings and narrow it down more from there.

I have also used the childcare.co.uk website to look for a jobs . Which I found was much more user friendly than a lot of other job websites I have used. You search as you would when looking for a childcare establishment. Just this time you change the what I’m looking for filter to childcare jobs. Then fill in the rest of the information for the area your looking for. Here you can see jobs that people have posted to the site and what they require. Just like you would with a nursery search you can message that person directly from the website . Then start a conversation that will hopefully lead to an interview.

The last way I have used the childcare.co.uk website is in my day job as a nursery coordinator. I have set up profiles for all the nurseries in the chain. Which is really easy to do. Having a profile means that the nurseries are seen by a wider audience. Resulting in showing more parents around the nurseries and then hopefully themstarting with us.
I also get emails sent though which alerts me that. Someone local to the nurseries have posted that they are looking for a nursery. I can then message them to arrange a show around. I can also see if we can meet the needs they require.
I can really see why childcare.co.uk has 2 million users. It can be used by parents,childcare organisations and also someone looking for work in childcare. Each and every step is simple and easy to do . The website itself is really user friendly. If I needed to find childcare or a job in childcare in the future I would be sure to take a look on this website first.
This little introduction about what to expect on your child’s first few days at nursery may be handy when you have chosen a nursery.