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How to find the best broadband deals

When we moved house I took the opportunity to look at if we could save money on any of our household bills. Even if you can save a few pounds on each bill it really does make the difference. Just think the extra money could go on days out . Or give you a bit more financial freedom. One of our biggest outgoings was on our Tv and broadband. So this was one of the first areas I looked at.

Finding the best broadband deals

Here are some of the things I took into consideration

What deals match my household needs

Some broadband deals may look amazing but If you’re a family that uses a lot of devices that need an internet connection . Are these deals going going give you the speeds you need ?

Some deals also have a usage cap so if your going to go over the usage amount . Does the charge you may get for going over the usage still make it a good deal still?

Landline charge

This is something to look at . I don’t think we’re alone when I say we don’t have a landline . We haven’t had one for years . Some broadband deals come with line rental. If your not using a landline then this may not be any use to you . Some broadband providers have started to do broadband to which you don’t need a landline.

Making sure to see how much the Additional landline charge is can make the difference. what looked like a bargain can quickly turn into a pretty big expense.

Before changing broadband providers make sure to check your current providers contract. There may be an exit charge for leaving before the end of your contract period.

How to find the best Broadband deals

Finding the best Broadband deals

Shop around would be my biggest piece of advice . Use multiple comparison sites as some sites have offers others don’t. Make sure to check all the terms and conditions for each deal . Each deal will have a different set of terms and conditions.

Don’t go for the first deal you find . Take a moment to look at them all and check they are right for you and your family.

Check cash back sites. Do they do money back on the provider you have chosen? . As this is a great way to get some money back off purchases you make.

Most importantly check that the provider you have chosen provides broadband in your area !

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