Asda delivery meant to make your life easier
Every pay-day we sit down and place an Asda delivery . We have been doing this for around two years now . Normally we have no problems .Yes some of our items are substituted and that can be annoying but we get over it !
Thursday we placed our order and picked our time slot for the next day .our order arrived and straight away the delivery driver Stated that he didn’t think everything was there .
I took the bags through to the kitchen and play what I like the call shopping bingo . I take an item out the bag and then check it off the list . After checking all the items we had received I found that we were missing things . Not just one or two items but 22 items ! .
Annoyed I rang the customer service team to ask where my items were . To which they just read replies of a sheet. Even if it was completely different to the question I had asked them .
After being on the phone for 20 minutes .They asked me to tell them all the 22 product codes of the items missing . They then told me they were going to contact the store and get back to me .
After waiting several hours and no call back I rang them again . To which the person on the other end of the phone asked me again to repeat all 22 product codes of the missing items. At this point as you can imagine I was getting very frustrated . The main issue I have is that some of the products missing I needed for my daughter like formula ! .
They then said that the store manager would ring me the next day and would arrange a refund .Or I could have re delivery . At this point I didn’t want to give Asda any more of my money .So said I would rather the refund .
So today I waited for the phone call and guess what nothing !!! . So I wasted another 45 minutes of my life on the phone to them today and still no refund .
I have now taken it upon myself to call the store .A customer service team member has ensured me I will get a call back in the morning. To sort out my refund.
I can honestly say I am disgusted with their customer service .Their complete disregard for me needing my items on the delivery date . No longer will I be wanting to spend my money in Asda as they obviously cannot do it right . I am shocked and appalled by it all . They best call me back tomorrow els I will be going down to store and making a scene .
Lisa Lambert (mumdadplus4)
My friends was cancelled today 50 mins into the hour time slot shehad booked they had taken her money and said 3 day to go back in her bank but they would offer. £15 e voucher but what she is meant to do for the next three days well they couldn’t care less idiots
Just looking on twitter they have messed up big time today !! They just don’t have any compassion and to get no products that’s awful ! X
Anne Wilson
Same here. Waiting for 6pm delivery to get voicemail cancelling it as no driver going my way. Off the sheet customer service response and dont care less attitude. Said i could collect it
They have no idea why i needed it delivered and if i wanted to collect then that is what i would have booked. Hopeless and lack of interest in their customers.
It not on at all . The reason you had opted for delivery because that is best for you for what ever reason ! . They shouldn’t of accepted your delivery in the first place !
Oh dear!I do shop at Asda but now I go instore because I to have had a few run ins with the delivery service.Several times we’ve had them not turn up at all and then take a good week to refund, which isn’t ideal if you’re on a limited budget to start with!! x #kcacols
That’s was part of the annoyance they were more the happy to take the money !. It’s a shame because I do like Asda ! May have to do the same as you and go in store if I can fit it in. X
Poppy Reflects
Wow that is a lot of missing items! I’ve used a couple shopping deliveries but find Ocado is amazing. I rarely have a missing item, great drivers, efficient and user friendly site etc. and I would highly recommend them. x #KCACOLS
I have heard good things about them from many people . Will be taking a look into their delivery service x
How annoying! For them to have missed that amount of items they must have just left a few bags in the van or given them to another customer but surely it cant be that hard to check and replace them. Hope you’ve got it sorted now! #KCACOLS
Thankfully were sorted but I had to go into store myself to collect the items ! X
Sounds like a nightmare …. I hope you get it sorted soon. #KCACOLS
It really was . We’re all sorted now but I did have to go into store myself to to get my items !
22 missing items that you were charged for is shocking! I’ve not used their delivery service before but we do use Tesco and any items that are not in stock we don’t get charged for and any substitutions made if they are more expensive than the original item we are charged the original amount. I hope you manage to get your money back.
Thank you for linking up to #KCACOLS and I hope to see you back again on Sunday x
Jaylan - Diapers at Dawn
ASDA is a waste of time! I used to do the same thing, guaranteed on pay day I would be booking my delivery slot with them, I’d always get substitutes but like you thought it’s no big deal, but when my delivery didn’t arrive one night I was livid. I called customer service and all they said was they’ll give me a refund, no apologies, no here’s £20 off your next order, nothing – I haven’t shopped with them since. I know give my hard earned cash to Morrisons, who have one hour delivery slots AND I’ve never had a substitute. I hope you get your money back and someone at least returns your call x #KCACOLS
I had to go into store to sort it out which just makes it pointless doing my shopping online !! X
Heledd @ yummyblogger
That’s awful! Fair enough to make a mistake and leave some items off but the customer service to sort the issue sounded bad! I’d be fuming having to read 22 bar codes!!!! We do a weekly online shop with Tesco and can’t fault them really. #kcacols
I was fuming !! We are looking at a differ t shop now for delivery x
Devon Mama
How rubbish!! I never check our online shopping against the list (I’ve never thought to!) but how bad is that that you’d be 22 items short if you hadn’t checked!! And awful customer service!! #kcacols
I have always checked thank god !! X
Jenni - Odd Socks and Lollipops
Oh that’s so awful! We have only used the service once and I was annoyed by the substitutions and the crap piece of fruit they had chosen (inedible basically) so I never bothered again, Missing all those items though – that’s shocking and such poor customer service too
I had to delivery on Monday and had 26 items missing rang up as soon as driver left to be on the phone for over 40 mins to customer services person that I found out next day that she had not done what she said would do and there was nothing on the screen to say id even rang up but they can look back on call.and after reading each product code out to her that most of them she had wrote down wrong when read back to me.and wasn’t listening to what I was saying kept putting me on hold without telling me.when I rang up next day got another customer service person that wasn’t listen when I repeatedly asked to speak to a manager eventually one came on the line and said would look into it for me and ring me back he did at 5 to 5 saying he was still waiting for authorisation to refund me and will phone me back next day which he did to tell me the same thing.never heard anything yesturday so going to ring up again today it’s now friday and my fridge is still empty will not be using asda again which I have been doing.I’m so mad
I can imagine It’s so annoying . I found talking to the store that you ordered from directly was better than the customer service people . Like you say they don’t listen and makes the whole experience even more stressful !!