5 Facts About Periods that Everyone Should Know
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Whenever you get your period, it tends to be a surprise. Even if you get your period 12 times a year, it is still somehow shocking when you get it. As a matter of fact, a person with a uterus can expect to get a period approximately 450 times throughout the entirety of their life. Yet, people barely have any idea what goes on with their bodies and continue to believe ridiculous myths that have been around for ages.

For example, some people have a super long menstrual cycle that comes with painful cramps and PMS, whereas others have a short cycle with no cramps. After all, it is one of the most common things that tend to vary significantly.
However, it is important to remember that it is entirely normal to wonder what changes occur when that time of the month approaches. So, health experts at Click Pharmacy have compiled five facts regarding the menstrual cycle that you may or may not have known before:
1. Your period evolves as you age
It is quite challenging to get a grasp on everything your cycle throws at you, and when you finally begin to feel like you are able to deal with and predict every problem you will have, your period can evolve. That is right. Your period can change throughout your life due to hormone shifts occurring naturally.
For instance, when you get your very first period, your cycles may tend to be longer, which means that more time may pass between one period and the next. However, they get shorter as time passes, and you can predict when you will get them.
Such hormone changes typically happen during perimenopause — the years before menopause begins and your body produces less estrogen.
2. Options in menstrual products
This is arguably one of the most common facts that people know. As a person with a uterus, you have significantly more options to help you manage that time of the month. Everyone knows you can use pads or tampons but are you aware of the eco-friendly options available worldwide?

For instance, menstrual cups are gaining popularity among individuals. It is a flexible cup that fits inside your vagina and collects blood in the cup during your period. It is a one-time investment and can be used for a few years. Recently, period panties have come into trend. These panties are super-absorbent, and you can wear them on their own on days you have a lighter flow or even with a tampon during heavier times.

Of course, there are pros and cons to such alternatives, just as there are with tampons and pads. However, you can find such options to be cost-effective, easy to use, and much more comfortable.
3. Symptoms of PMS
PMS is a common problem that nearly everyone – specifically those who go through a menstrual cycle – experiences. Symptoms tend to begin as early as two weeks before the period actually arrives. Such symptoms may include breakouts, sluggishness, cravings, bloating, and mood swings.
Although experts have not been able to figure out the exact cause of PMS, some have presented plausible theories. For example, many believe that hormone changes during a menstrual cycle, combined with chemical changes in the brain, can lead to PMS. Such factors combined with other mental disorders can actually make PMS symptoms far worse than usual.
Furthermore, one can make lifestyle changes to control PMS. For example, regular exercise, enough sleep, and avoiding bad habits like smoking can make a difference. Also, a healthy diet can make a difference, too.
4. Period Delaying Tablets
You do not always have to suffer when you travel or when you have an important event coming up. But, sometimes, your cycle aligns with important events in your life and tends to ruin said life-changing moments. So, in order to avoid that, you can take control of your cycle. That is correct! You can get your period on your terms if you take period delaying pills from Click Pharmacy. It is completely safe, and it is vital to remember that it is not birth control, so using protection while taking such tablets is necessary.

Once you are comfortable, you can stop taking the tablets and expect your cycle to begin as it normally would within the span of 3 to 4 days.
5. Chances of pregnancy during your period
A particular myth that has been around for ages is that you can not become pregnant if you have unprotected sexual intercourse during your period. As a matter of fact, your period does not have the ability to protect you from pregnancy. This is because when you ovulate, you are at the peak of your fertility. So, ovulation before your period is over or within a few days after the bleeding stops can lead to higher chances of pregnancy. Sperm can remain in your vagina for about three days, so having unprotected sex during your period could lead to conception.