
We have cracked it sleeping though the night ! 

This is a collaborative post with room to grow.

I have been wanting to write this post for a few weeks now . But to be honest I was a little scared just incase I jinxed it . I have gone from barely sleeping to what feels like having too much sleep. If there is such a thing.

sleeping through the night

The thing is we haven’t really changed anything that we do . Ava has just decided that sleep is now for her and I am so happy with this . Since her first birthday she has just grown up so much . Of a night now I put her down to sleep ,she has her bottle and she waves at me to leave her . Within 10 minutes if that she is asleep.

We tried so many different methods of getting Ava to sleep . Ones many parents swear by but nothing seem to work .At one point I was losing the will to live. Then all of a sudden Ava decided to be nice to me and slept for most the night . This has now turned into sleeping for 12 hours !

It may even just be that she is just really tired . Since January she has been going to nursery three days a week. Where they literally don’t stop doing activities it really is fantastic for her .

You know the funny thing about it is that I feel more like rubbish In the morning . It’s like my body is used to running on no sleep . So now I have a good night sleep my body just doesn’t know how to cope with it .

Naps have also become amazing . She used to do the odd half hour here or there . Now most days when we are at home she has a good hour and half . Which just gives me time to have a shower without her watching me , clean my poor neglected house . Or if I’m being completely honest just sit on the sofa with a HOT cup of tea and catch up on the soaps .

I now have my nights back . I’m no longer running up and down the stairs like I’m running a marathon. She’s down for the night and I very rarely hear from her.

I so hope me writing this hasn’t triggered her to go back to her old way !! Also I hope we don’t ever have to go through the 18 month  sleep regression stage . So fingers crossed and send me good vibes that this will carry on !

getting to grips with sleep time

Things to think about when it comes to sleeping through the night
  • make sure you understand the importance of choosing a good children’s mattress .Make sure you get the right mattress for your little one. Just like us they want to be comfy so make sure you don’t scrimp, after all this mattress will see them for a fair few years.
  • Get to know how your child likes the light to be in their room. I cannot sleep unless it is pitch black where as Ava likes to have a little night-light on. Everyone is different so it may take some playing around with until you find the right balance.
  • Do they have a comfort toy that keeps them calm. Then make sure this is in bed with them to start with this is the same for dummies or bottles.

sleeping through

  • Keep going with your plan of action. It’s so easy to give up and just get them out of bed , but keep going it may seem horrid now but it will get better.
  • We also tried a wide ;

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