BABY born surprise eggs by Zapf creations : review
I don’t know about your kids but Ava is obsessed with anything that comes in a blind bag and that’s miniature. She goes crazy for them . I was recently contacted by Zapf creations to see if we would like to review their BABY born surprise. These are a new collectable dolls that come wrapped like a blind bag . When I showed the picture to Ava she was so excited to see what they were like.
The dolls come in a plastic like egg inside the egg is the doll and some accessories and a blanket and which keeps them covered . To make it more fun so the children don’t know what there going to get . I do like that Ava was able to open the packaging herself . The plastic flap and perforated section meant she was able to do it all by herself.

Wrapped In the blanket is a cute little baby . We noticed though that the babies eyes seemed to be closed . Once we had a read of the leaflet it became clear that the wake your baby up you will need to wipe her eyes . Ava loved this the only thing is that this is a one time thing . So once you have wipes the chalk like product from around the babies eyes. That was it it couldn’t be repeated . Which she didn’t understand why that was.

Along with the babies you also get an outfit for you baby to wear from unicorns to a baby duck . There are so many different outfit designs I can see we will be getting Ava more of these as she really wants the unicorn one. She did however love the bumblebee and mermaid ones we got from our two BABY born surprise eggs.

The bit Ava loves most of all is the fact that you can make the baby do a wee in her nappy. In the bundle you get one small bottle. Which if you use this to give the baby a bottle she or he will then do a wee in their nappy.

The other part which I thought was particular clever is the nappy . Once the baby has done a wee in their nappy the nappy will change from being plain white to having a pattern on. Ava also loved this aspect on it and the excitement on her face waiting for the baby to wee was just amazing.

The swaddle wrap that it comes with also comes in very handy. Ava has to use it to put her baby to bed each night. Or to wrap her baby up in if they go outside as it’s cold.

Our overall thoughts on the BABY born surprise doll
Overall I think this is a really great gift for children that love to play with dolls. It being miniature makes it easier for me to carry around in my bag and Ava just loves all the small toys at the moment.
I love the fact that there are so many combinations. Making it the perfect gift for children that want to add new and exciting outfits and nappy designs to their collections . I’m sure we will be seeing these cute little dolls on Ava’s Christmas list this year for sure . Yes I’m already thinking ahead to Christmas crazy I know .

Inside the surprise egg comes a little sheet and a birth certificate. Which you can use to record the babies weed and also determine their name and birthday. This didn’t interest Ava too much but I’m sure as she gets older this aspect of the surprise doll will really appeal to her.
Having a look on a few sites like Smyths I found that these are retailing in the region of £10 per egg . Which I don’t personally think is that bad a price . Ava’s played with hers loads so for us it’s definitely worth that price tag.

*We were sent the BABY born surprise for free in return for an honest review. All opinions are my own *