Oblumi tapp review : The digital infrared thermometer that connects to your phone
A while ago now we were sent the Oblumi tapp to review . Of course Ava had a good streak of not being ill . So we have been waiting to test it out . Well as you may have seen Ava has been pretty poorly recently with high temperatures and suspected asthma so the Oblumi has been a god send.
The Oblumi tapp is a device which once connected to your phone can be used as a digital infrared thermometer.

Setting it up
This is so easy all you have to do is download the Oblumi tapp app from the App Store or play store.
You can also access detailed information from any tablet or computer. As the Oblumi has a cloud system meaning it synchronises the data between all devices.
Once the app is downloaded you will be asked to make a profile for your child/children. It will ask you for your child’s weight and date of birth .
The thing I really found handy was that you can share profiles. Meaning if she was with Jordan or my parents as long as the Oblumi tapp was with them and they used it to record her temperature and medicines I could have a look how she was getting on . Great for when I was having a little worry at work.
What can it do ?
- You can take the temperature of liquids . Great for checking if your little ones milk is cool enough.
- Activate alarms for when your little one needs their medicine next. This was a life saver for me as my memory is rubbish . We didn’t miss one lot of medicine !
- You can send automatic temperature and medicine updates to any person that shares the profile. This I loved as I knew at work when my parents had given Ava her medicine.
- The best thing of all is that all your data is recorded . So you can see on a graph how their temperature has changed and when their last dose of medicine was. This was great to show the medical professional at the walk In centre so she could see how Ava had been over the last 24 hours.
- Most importantly I found it took her temperature accurately. Which is the main thing. You can take their temperature both on their forehead or in the ear . The Oblumi tapp also comes with some handy cleaning wipes to keep the in ear section nice and clean.
Overall I’m really impressed .I love the design and carry case and it took some of the stress out of having a poorly child. I was able to use it to relay important information on to medical professionals whilst recording her temperature and medication intake afterwards.
For more information regarding the Oblumi tapp why not visit their website . If your thinking of purchasing one you can do this from their website or from the bubblebum website for £39.99 including free shipping.