• Instagram filters
    Blog entry

    Growing up in a world with Instagram filters 

    Times really have changed there were no such thing as Instagram filter when I was growing up. It wasn’t so long ago that I was a teenager experimenting with make up . Not that I was ever very good at it and I’m still not today . We would put some foundation on bit of blusher , mascara and maybe some eyeshadow or eyeliner if you were on a night out . Many teenagers now would be in shock if I asked them to wear as little makeup as I do . Is the Instagram filter to blame are our children seeing unrealistic things on the internet and are wanting to…

  • Collaborative

    Children keep you on your toes !

    This is a collaborative post with fast keys. They provide replacement keys and locks online. I have looked after children now in a nursery environment for many years . I didn’t realise how hard it can be to be a parent until I had Ava. They sure do keep you on your toes. Now Ava is kind of crawling she gets around really well . I’m sure sometimes I blink and she has made it across the room. She has got a big thing for the dogs toys . I’m sure its because she knows she’s not aloud to have them .She even looks back at me as if to…

  • Blog entry

    In the first 6 months

    So much changes in the first six months of your little one life it’s crazy , there are many milestones that they will reach and many of these moments will just melt your heart watching them achieve them. You bring home your little bundles of joy and within the first few days they change. Ava would always be there eyes wide open watching the world go by taking it all in . Within a few weeks she started to sleep more at night going longer and longer between feed which was amazing . Speaking to other new moms I realised quickly how lucky we were getting between 4-5 hours between…

  • Blog entry

    Picking your child’s name !! 

    I found Being a nursery manager and working with children for many years it is so hard to pick a name for your little one !!. Certain names become less appealing to you because of one thing or another . So when we started to think of names for our baby I wanted a name that I had never looked after a child before with that name .   The other thing you have to think about is that they will have that name for the rest of there lives ( no pressure !). Some names I liked were cute for a little baby but just didn’t seem to be…

  • Blog entry

    Where has my baby gone !!

    The amount of people that have said to me cherish these first years as it will go so fast is unbelievable. I didn’t really understand what they meant until now !. I thought that Ava would stay this little baby for ages but this is not the fact. Over the weekend Ava has learnt to roll half way !! ( all the way is just so much hard work !!) at the time it was so exciting, we were both sat there cameras at the ready to capture this on film to show everyone and to have for ever to watch back. The more and more I thought about it the…