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My top 4 ways to save money when hosting a Christmas party

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I know its only September but Christmas will soon be here. Being organised and getting things ready now will not only save money but also a lot of stress. Over the Christmas period there are lots of parties going on or family get togethers. These get togethers are lovely but they can become so expensive especially if your the one hosting. I thought it might be helpful if I shared with the my top 4 ways to save money when hosting a Christmas party.

Bring a bottle

Buying achole for a party can become so expensive. So make sure that if people want to drink that they bring their own. This is becoming more of a thing so I wouldn’t worry about people thinking your cheap. If you want to get some wine in just incase make sure to shop around and look out for the deals. Around the festive seanson the supermarkets have some good offers on.

my top 4 ways to save money when hosting a Christmas party

Think about the time of day

When planning your party think about the time of day your going to have people around. I tend to ask people to come around late afternoon so that they would of had lunch. Meaning you dont have to cook them a nice lavish meal. To keep people from getting hungry as the day goes on. All you need to do is put out some nibbles. Everyone loves a little buffet.

Again you could ask people to bring food with them to keep the costs down. Also just tell people that there is only going to be nibbles so they know to have something to eat before they come. The last thing you want is for people to come expecting lots of food and you dont really have anything.

If you are going to cook some food i would say stick to simple dishes that can easily be done on mass. Like stews, casseroles or pasta dishes.

my top 4 ways to save money when hosting a Christmas party

Be organised

If your thinking of hosting a Christmas get together I would say start planning now. Send out a text to all the people you want to come. Ask them to get back to you asap so you know how many people to expect. This way you will know how many people to cook for if your cooking.

Also it gives you plenty of time to get things ready. I’m a lover of a yellow bargain sticker. This is the perfect time to go yellow sticker hunting. A lot of the items that have yellow stickers on can easily be frozen. You can save a huge amount of money by doing this.

Secert santa

Most of the time a party around the Christmas period involves exchanging presents. I find it really hard to buy lots of cheap presents I always have the fear that my presents just look cheap and rubbish. Secret santa is a perfect way to solve this issue. You can spend your present budget on one item and then give it to your allocated person. Make sure though to set a budget that everyone is happy with.

my top 4 ways to save money when hosting a Christmas party

Also dont be afraid to speak to friends about if you should stop buying presents for each other. They are probably thinking the same as you. With a lot of my friends now I dont buy them a present but I put the money towards their kids presents which we all much prefer.

So here are just some of my ways that I save money when hosting a Christmas party. I would love to hear ways you save some money.

Christmas is fast approaching . I find though I save so much money being organised and prepared . Here are my top 4 ways to save money when hosting a Christmas party #christmas #savemoney #christmasparty #presents #family #festiveseason #ideas #frugal

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