• AD

    Creating business cards with aura print |AD

    *This is a paid post with Aura print First impressions are important whether that be in your personal life or your work life. Experts say that it takes between 5-15 seconds for someone to form a first impression of somebody. So you need to make sure that you are making their first impression positive especially if it’s in a work capacity and you would like to work with them. I regularly attend a blogger conference called Blogon. Well, I say regularly I did before covid. Blogon has an amazing brand den where lots of different brands come together in one place. You can chat with them about potential collaborations or…

  • Reviews

    Quadrilla marble run construction : music motion from Hape review

    I remember so fondly as a child making marble runs . I don’t know what it is about it but it’s so satisfying. So when the lovely people over at Hape asked if I would like to try their Quadrilla Marble run construction music motion I was really excited to relive my childhood. What’s in the box 77 different pieces from tracks to wooden blocks that the marbles fall through onto the chimes. 22 marbles . So plenty just incase some go missing Construction of the music motion from Hape I will start by saying do not do this with a toddler around . You will get to the second…

  • Reviews

    Hape wooden toys solar power circuit train set : review

    We were sent the Solar powered train and circuit train set from Hape for free .In return for an honest review. All opinions are my own. Hape wooden toys are one of my favourite brands for children’s toys. Mainly because they go above and beyond .To ensure that their products and the production of their products are environmentally friendly . I am a lover of wooden toys they look so much nicer especially Hape wooden toys . They last longer and most importantly are better for the environment. Hape wooden toys are some of the nicest wooden toys we have had. We were recently send the solar powered train and…

  • Reviews

    Blade and Rose rainbow top and leggings :review 

    Recently I was approached to see if I would like to review Blade and Rose rainbow top and leggings set  . I was instantly drawn in by the colourful design and the detailing on the bottom part of the leggings.Ava’s one for exploring her environment. It normally ends up with her tights falling down and showing her nappy to everyone. Not the look we were going for when I got her dressed in the morning. So we put our new Blade and Rose rainbow  set to the test .Seeing how it would Fair whilst having fun in the garden. Ava looked really cute and comfortable and was able to run…

  • Collaborative

    Read up before you buy anything : online reviews

    This is a collaborative post with sensible review. Sensible review is a group of product hunters and reviewers that look for the best deals  on all different products. I have always been one to research things, read reviews before I go out and splash the cash . Especially when I was pregnant with Ava . I listed all the things I wanted. Read reviews to narrow down what was then best brand Then made a  list all the different places that sold them along with the price . Some things I would only save £5 but other things I saved £20-50 pounds per item . When your having a baby every penny you can save is a bonus.…

  • Reviews

    Mcvitie’s helping biscuit monsters everywhere to cut down

    If your anything like me opening a packet of biscuits means that you will eat the whole packet . Then feel bad about it afterwards as you really didn’t need to eat them all. Well Mcvitie’s are here to help with biscuit  monsters like me . They have recently released their Mcvitie’s to go range. Which are the amazing Mcvities biscuits you are used to just in a handy on the go portion . They contain two biscuits which is great as eating a whole pack doesn’t leave you feeling guilty afterwards. These have made a great addition to my lunch box and also a snack for Ava. They gave…

  • Reviews

    One for the cheese lovers. A Cheese tostie to your door with cheeseposties 

    Cheese is one of my favourite things to eat . There really isn’t a meal that’s not made better with a bit of cheese on the top . So you can imagine my excitement when I arrived home from work the other day to my cheeseposties delivery. Cheeseposties is a subscription service . Where you can receive a range of different cheeses and sauces to make the perfect cheese toastie . It literally comes with everything you will need including the bread and the butter . There are many different ways you can personalise your cheeseposties subscription . You can opt for sweet or savoury or maybe a bit of both. You can…

  • Reviews

    Finding Dory , the book of the film from Parragon books: Review

    Finding Dory is the second instalment in the finding Nemo series. The first film finding Nemo is a much loved favourite of mine . Its one of those films you can put on ,on a lazy Sunday and the whole family will love it. This year they released finding Dory just like finding Nemo the film was both action packed and full of funny moments . I think a lot of the characters in the film you can liken them to people you may know. It really is a film full of laugh of loud moments perfect for the whole family to enjoy over and over again. When Parragon books asked me if I would like to review…

  • Reviews

    Maverick books review and giveaway

    I am a big lover of books, Ava already has enough to open up a small library. So when I was recently contacted by the lovely people over at Maverick arts publishing to see if I would like to review some of their books . I was interested to see if they would make a great addition to our book collection Maverick publishing sent me two of their new books for review. The first one is Stone underpants by Rebecca Lisle . The book is about a little boy called Pod who was around in the Stone Age . He desperately wanted something to keep his bottom warm. So went…

  • Reviews

    Pick n melt review 

    Ever since I have owned my own home I have found a love of candles and wax melts . To keep my house smelling lovely over the Christmas period pick n melt have sent me a lovely selection of wax melts to try . My first impression of the wax melts was that I didn’t think they would give of much fragrance as they were so small . Gosh was I wrong the instructions suggested to use 6 cubes and the smell from them was amazing . The first flavour  I tried was snow and I loved it . I used my wax melt after cooking .Within a few minutes the smell…

  • giveaway

    Christmas giveaway with caseapp

    Some of you may have seen that previously in the year I  did a review of caseapp‘s skins and cases . Well they have very kindly given me the opportunity to offer another giveaway to my readers !. The process of creating a case or skin is really easy and simple . This time I created a hard case for my iPad and also an iPhone phone case. I was really happy with the outcome they both look amazing and also fitted perfectly . They would make a perfect gift for someone . As you can literally put what ever you would like on the them . Want to see what they…

  • JORD watches

    JORD Woodwatches : Dover Ebony and Copper review

    Recently I was approached by the people over at JORD watches to see if I would like to review one of their unique wooden timepieces . With all possible reviews I show my partner Jordan what I have been offered. Straight away Jordan really liked the range of watches they had on offer and joked about having one for himself as his name is Jordan. So being a nice girlfriend and to claim some brownie points I let him choose a watch to review.   After much deliberation he chose the Dover in Ebony and Copper. The JORD website is really and simple and easy to use. Unlike many American…

  • Reviews

    Essential oils from Eden’s Semilla : review

    More and more often I am hearing about essential oils and how they can help with a number of different things. I have only used essential oils once before and that was when I was pregnant. I was sent home from the hospital with some oils to put in the bath whilst I was in early labour. The oils contained lavender and really helped me and made me relax . So when the people over at Eden’s Semilla asked if I would like to try their new range of essential oils . I was intrigued to see what other oils where on the market and what they could do for me.…

  • Reviews

    Review : Flower and Butterfly Wigwam play tent

    Now Ava is getting bigger , I have been trying to create stimulating areas for her to play in . I have been looking at getting her a wigwam tent as I love the design of them. Then I was approached by Big Game hunters to see if I would like to review one of their Wigwam play tents. After looking at the possibilities on their website I chose the Flower and Butterfly wigwam. Ava has butterfly’s in her bedroom already so would fit in nicely . One day we are hoping to have a play room for her so thought this would fit many colour schemes. It was really…